We're delighted to partner with Housing Santa Cruz County (HSCC) to support and celebrate Affordable Housing Month during May. HSCC is orchestrating over 20 community events designed to educate, activate, and engage us all on affordable housing solutions during the month of May. Check out all the events on the HSCC website
Throughout the month of May, HSCC will be facilitating a multitude of events and community conversations to help advance affordable housing solutions in Santa Cruz County. Affordable Housing Month is an opportunity to meet like minded housing advocates, bring your friends, family and neighbors into the conversations you care about, and deepen your understanding of what got us here and how we move forward. Join HSCC and Santa Cruz YIMBY in exploring so much during May!
Santa Cruz YIMBY Featured Events for Affordable Housing Month

Capitola Housing Bike Tour
Saturday, May 11th starting at 9:30am
Let us know you are joining - RSVP here
Join us for coffee at Zizzo's for discussion starting at 9:30am with a casual bike ride through Capitola starting around 10am.
We'll make stops at sites Capitola has identified for housing over the next 7 years, talk about opportunities for improvement, and answer any questions you may have along the way.
We'll conclude at Gayle's for a bite to eat and more chatting about what we saw. You're welcome to join for any single portion or the entire thing!

Housing Fireside Chat with YIMBY and Student Housing Coalition
Wednesday, May 15th — 6-8pm Cowell Fireside Lounge, UC Santa Cruz
Learn about today’s housing crisis; the root causes, current issues, and what we can do about it. This in person event will also be an opportunity to get to know fellow housing advocates both off and on campus. Refreshments will be provided.
Mark Your Calendars
Other May Housing Events
Affordable Housing Kickoff Event
Saturday, May 4th — 4pm, Hotel Paradox
Don't miss this kickoff event for Affordable Housing Month - an inspiring afternoon featuring a presentation and Q&A with Dr. Margot Kushel, MD on the intersection of affordable housing, homelessness, and public health.
Tickets can be purchased at bit.ly/ahm-kickoff-2024. A ticket purchase includes entry to the event and light refreshments.

Community Meeting for 850 Almar Ave
Tuesday, May 7th — 6pm via Zoom
CRP Affordable Housing and Community Development is hosting a community meeting for their new project at 850 Almar Ave in Santa Cruz. The project is a 38 unit, 100% affordable, 3-story walk-up apartment building with 1:1 parking.
We strongly encourage YIMBY advocates to join this meeting to learn more about the project, provide input, and support affordable housing initiatives in our community.

Housers Happy Hour
Thursday, May 23rd — 5:30-7:00pm at Abbott Square's Secret Garden
Come mingle with other housing advocates, play trivia for prizes, and enjoy light refreshments. Hosted by Workbench, a concept to completion building studio located right here in Santa Cruz. more info